Standard USB devices are normally supported by class drivers already included in the Windows operating system. In many cases, a particular USB device cannot be assigned to a device class because it has to fulfill different requirements, or because to implement the class specification in the device firmware is too time consuming. This makes a custom USB device driver development necessary, a kernel-mode driver which conforms to the Windows Driver Model (WDM).
The development and debugging process of such a kernel-mode driver is very time consuming, especially if the driver has to support different Windows versions. For this reason, Thesycon developed the generic USB device driver USBIO. The USBIO software components can be integrated into a final product with product-specific adaptations if necessary (e.g. file names, installation paths, copyright messages). The result is a customized version that can be shipped as part of an end user product.
Furthermore, the USBIO driver is very useful for developing, debugging, and testing of USB devices and firmware. It enables rapid development of debug and test applications.